
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What Does Your Daily Kilojoule Intake Look Like?

Body & Soul
I loved this story that appeared in Body & Soul on the weekend. It's a clever, very visual look at the way you spend your daily kilojoule intake. The verdict: You really can enjoy a bit everything in your daily diet if you pick the right stuff.

Was That Your Tummy Grumbling?


Do you remember what hungry feels like? I was headed to the shops on Saturday – it was around 2.30pm and I hadn't yet had lunch – when I felt a grumble in my stomach.

What was that strange sensation? Then it clicked. I was hungry. It took me a few seconds to connect the dots in my mind (grumbling stomach = sign of hunger) because, I realised, I don't often let myself get hungry. Peckish, yes. But tummy-growling hungry, nope.

Given that I have breakfast at 9am, tea and 11am, lunch at 1pm, afternoon tea at 4pm and dinner at around 7pm, my meals are so regular, I've normally eaten before it gets to that point. And it got me thinking, maybe I'm eating too much? When was the last time you heard your tummy give you a hint?

Monday, May 16, 2011

On The Couch: The Race Is On!

It starts tonight: The Amazing Race Australia. And this local version promises to be every bit as addictive as it's American counterpart, with plenty of kooky duos that promise to bring the laughs. How will farmer Matt go overseas for the very first time? And can sisters Alana and Mel make it to the first pit stop without killing each other? Only time will tell.

My money's on Big W mums Tracy and Anne-Marie winning hearts, but can they win the race? Check out the full list of teams here. But before it all kicks off at 8.30pm on Channel 7, let's take a moment to enjoy my favourite ever moment from The Amazing Race. "Riiight in the kisser..."

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Eat Like A Man.

I met nutritionist Susie Burrell while I worked at Shop Til You Drop and after she finished shaking her head when I told her what I'd had for breakfast (jam and butter on toast), I found out that not only does Susie have rockin' taste in TV (she likes the same crappy-but-amazing shows I do), but girl really knows her stuff. And when she's not crazy busy working or appearing on Sunrise, we're lucky she shares loads of useful info on her blog. Last week's tip was my favourite: eat like a man.
"For men, weight loss is simple. They need to eat certain things at certain times. They need to cut certain things out and make dietary changes that they follow for a set period of time. There is no, “oh, but I have been good” mental debates, or justifications of, “just one and I will make up for it tomorrow”. They approach weight loss much the same way as they approach their life in general - with one eyed focus on what they are doing, no exceptions. And, then, they lose weight."
Makes sense, no? For Susie's full list of tips we can take from men, click here.