
Monday, April 4, 2011

Just Dance.

I stumbled across this video over the weekend.

If you haven't heard of her, Tracy Anderson is the much-talked-about celebrity trainer who has helped stars like Gwyneth Paltrow and Jennifer Lopez trim down, tone up and just look generally fabulous. And one of the key parts of her "method" is dance aerobics. 

Now, I don't do dancing. I have zero coordination and no sense of rhythm. I once tried a Body Jam class with my friend Kara and she will attest to the fact that I was terrible. Kara was a ballerina once so she was not terrible at all. But me? I wanted to leave three minutes into the first track. 

So while this really isn't my style of workout, it is a cool video (it's set to J.Lo's On The Floor, which is one of my favourite training tracks right now) and Nicole does look very cool doing the moves. But when Ms Richie says, "There are no wrong moves in dancing," I worry that she hasn't yet seen me try to bust a move. That might change her tune.

Do you dance to stay fit? And I mean in a studio, not on a nightclub floor after a few too many vinos...

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