
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What Should You Be Eating?

Phew! Easter is done and dusted and after five days of getting by on a diet of chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate – it's time to snap out of your chocoma and back to eating regular food. So now seems like the perfect time for a little reviso on what exactly you should be consuming. Let's go back to school and revisit the food pyramid, shall we...

Hospitality Guild

Look familiar? I'll bet. The good ol' pyramid has been around for eons, but it's still relevant if you want to establish a healthy, balanced diet. Just FYI, according to government recommendations, women should be having 4-9 serves of cereals, breads, rice, pasta or noodles, 5 serves of vegetables and legumes, 2 serves of fruit, 2 serves of milk, yoghurt or cheese, 1 serve of lean meat, fish, poultry, nuts or legumes, and just 2 serves (if any) of extra foods – like, say, Easter eggs.

Not sure what consititutes a serve? Take a look at this. Then put down the Cadbury bunny and treat yourself to some real tucker.

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