
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Help! I'm Exercising Too Much.

Going too hard?

Doubtful. A recent study in the UK done on older athletes (we're talking Olympic distance runners and rowers) has found that over exercising can result in heart muscle scarring, but what does this mean for all us regular joggers who lace-up our trainers for a sweat session several times a week? According to leading US cardiologist Dr Paul Thompson, not much.

“How many people are going to join the 100 Marathon club” or undertake a comparable amount of training? he asked. “Not many. Too much exercise has not been a big problem in America. Most people just run to stay in shape, and for them, the evidence is quite strong that endurance exercise is good” for the heart, he said.

So, exercise is good for heart health – unless maybe you're considering becoming an Olympic marathon runner that is...

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